

Profile photo of 贝妮塔B


牙科 Assisting

Fortis College in 哥伦比亚

I wanted to get out of sales because back in 2003 I had an experience, a temporary experience, as a dental assistant and it kind of always sat with me and so thinking of a different career option so I could spend more time with my children.

Completing my education here at Fortis has made me feel more accomplished.  I didn’t finish my full degree at another college but being able to come here on a fast track program it gave me the career foundation that I was seeking.

I’m working in an orthodontic office, so every day we are helping somebody brighten their smile, and I am also an instructor and I’m giving back on the education level.  So just being able to give back all the things that I have learned is breathtaking I guess you could say.

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