LaTrisha F.

LaTrisha F.

LaTrisha F的个人资料照片.

LaTrisha F.

我决定做一名牙科助理,因为我真的相信口腔健康是整体健康的关键,而灿烂的笑容是最好的品质. 我也想要一份事业,而不仅仅是一份工作. 我四处寻找课程选择,选择了哥伦比亚富通斯学院. Working a full-time job while raising an eight year-old daughter; it was not easy to manage the program and study needs. 我减少了自己的工作时间,为自己的职业道路做出了牺牲. The instructors taught me well; I made some good friends I stay in touch with and I enjoyed being at FCC; it was just like another family for the time I spent here. 我对我的成就感到很满意,并期待我的职业生涯.


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