Traci H.

Traci H.

Profile photo of Traci H.

Traci H.

Medical Assisting

Fortis College in 哥伦比亚

I was drawn to the Medical Assistant program at FORTIS College, in part because I have always wanted a better understanding of health and wellness due to health issues in my family. I also have a passion for taking care of people and have thought for a long time that I wanted a career in healthcare. Job prospects and job security were other reasons to focus on healthcare.

My experience with the program was good; one instructor in particular, Ms. Yarbrae, motivated me to keep going through adversity. Ms. Cook was also very encouraging and Mr. Shealy pressed me to be more confident (I was really very shy before I came here and that is much less so now). I was also lucky to meet and get to know my student colleague Patricia Jennings, we helped each other a lot during the program.

With four children, elder care issues, school and homework – it certainly wasn’t easy but I am excited that I finished the program.

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